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The Wheel Horse Tractor Manual and Documentation Website - My Wheel Horse dot Com FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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This site's main purpose is to preserve and distribute Out of Date and relevant Wheel Horse Tractor manuals and related documentation.


This site includes every related manual we have located, pertaining to the tractors; the implements; attachments; engines; and countless other useful manuals we have come across in our Internet and real-world travels.


Many people have contributed to the existing archive, all on their own time and dime, so that you can easily find what you need when you need it. Please pay it forward by contributing a manual you have, that we do not.


Three Things To Remember about this site

  1. If you don't see it here, keep looking! - All over the Internet! When you find it, send us a copy and we'll post it here.
  2. rn
  3. If it's not here, we don't have it! - When we find a new manual, we try to post it immediately.
  4. rn
  5. If you cannot find it, ask in the "Request a Document" forum. Chances are someone has a copy and is willing to post it here.
  6. rn
  7. If you find it somewhere else, and you don't send us a copy, Shame On You! - Help the community, which gladly helps you.
  8. rn

If all else fails, ask a question on our forum. Please keep in mind that the forum is related only to documentation acquisition. If you have general tractor related questions, see our associated web site www.WheelHorseForum.com for assistance.




We hope you enjoy the site!


The MWH Team

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